Monday, February 22, 2016

Camping in a Casita? What brought THAT on!

Throughout the years of rearing our 5 kids (ranging from 24-40 now) we enjoyed many, many family/friends  camping/waterskiing trips complete with playpens, high chairs, bicycles, and of course Granny! Now that all the kids are grown and married and Mommy is enjoying heaven, we decided that if camping were to continue, we'd like to enjoy just a wee tad more comfort for our slightly older bones.

Doug gave up the slalom skiing, the boat is awaiting one of the kids to get it back into running order,and we started drooling over the Casitas we passed every two weeks on our way back from Dallas visits to Doug's 95 y/o Mom.

Ruth, Sarah Beth and Jenny

 Claudia, James, Doug and Cheryl just hanging out at Inks Lake :-)

We started stopping in at the Casita factory each return trip from Dallas and finally gave in and ordered our little 17' Spirit Deluxe to be ready for pick up by the end of April.

Mommy having a blast as usual!

Camping will upgrade from sleeping bags on the ground to a double bed inside...with either A/C or heat for sleeping in comfort. AND no middle of night runs to the camp facilities since the wee (pun intended) bathroom boasts a toilet and tiny shower. We'll still grill outside but if we feel lazy there is a small microwave and a two burner range!

Retirement Prep

How odd it is to be signing up for Social Security and Medicare....

What happened to these YOUNGSTERS who used to live here?
I think someone came in and did a body switch or something :-)
Thirty eight years ago in May!

Getting ready to go to a Christmas Pary.
Eighties Hair and Prince Valiant

With Abi and Josh

Waiting with younger three ~ May 2001 in Baltimore Train Station.
Abi packing after college graduation so we head to DC for the day!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The "Grandma Tent"

One of the fun things we are looking forward to is taking grandchildren on some of our Casita camping adventures.  Since we tent camped with all 5 of our kids we want make it possible for grandkids to have that special outdoor experience too. So, we ordered a North Face Stormbreak 2 dome tent that will be the "Grandma Tent". When our pregnant daughter comes along for the fun, she'll get the extra Casita bed and A/C and Grandma will share a tent with our 10 year old granddaughter!

Grandma was excited anticipating the arrival of the UPS delivery and here is what was left at our door.....

Opened up to see....
Ok, so far...hope the tent poles made it! 

Nothing broken and Claudia got it up in less than 10 minutes. Looks like a great little tent and has a fabulous rain fly for those downpours that come out of nowhere!

Friday, February 19, 2016

RETIREMENT! And new adventures!

Beginning in April, Doug and I will embark on a new adventure in our life together (going on 38 years)...RETIREMENT!  By May we should have taken delivery of a cute little fiberglass Casita travel trailer affectionately referred to as an EGG by many Casita owners. Can you tell where we got the idea for the name of our Blog?

We are ready to play a bit :-)

Until we get photos of our own, these links will just have to do for pictures of the little Casitas.

Just a quick FYI...Doug thought it would be fun to start a blog about our "escapades" and adventures in our Casita during retirement so (kicking and screaming - not really) I am working at setting it up.  I'm not much of a writer so I let Doug know that if he wants to do this blog thing, HE will need to be a big contributor.  We'll see!